Salt Department has been playing the key role of facilitating setting up of iodised salt manufacturing units at salt production centres and on the recommendation of the State Governments traders are allowed to set up of salt iodisation plants at consuming centres.
The Salt Iodisation units are established by a primary common salt producer. The criteria to permit setting up of iodisation plant at the salt producing centres is that one should be a primary common salt manufacturer.
The permission to set up salt iodisation plants at consuming centres is given only on specific recommendations of the State Departments of Industries, Food & Civil Supplies and Medical & Health, on the following terms & conditions:
  • State Governments ensure control over the quality of iodised salt produced by the manufacturers.
  • No wagon quota is provided by the Salt Department; Manufacturer has to make his own arrangements for procurement of raw Salt needed for salt iodisation and also for despatch of iodised salt produced in his plant
  • The capacity of iodisation plant put together with other iodisation plants in his district/state should not exceed the total requirement of the District/State.
In the first instance permission for installations of salt iodisation unit is granted by the Regional Officers of Salt Department. At the installation of unit Salt Department Official will inspect the unit and on satisfactory installation of the unit permission for commencement of commercial manufacture and supply of iodised salt will be granted under certain terms and conditions.

Application form seeking permission for commercial manufacture of iodised salt is given below.

Application for Commercial Manufacture of Iodised Salt
1. Name & Address of the applicant ....................................................
2. Status of the applicant (qualifications,
present job and his experience in any field)
3. Address of the place where he will be
putting up the Iodisation Plant.
4. Infrastructural facilities available at that
place, viz, electricity, labour, water, road etc.
5. Ownership of the land where the plant is proposed. ....................................................
6. Type of process adopted, viz. Spray/batch/submersion. ....................................................
7. Annual production of Iodised Salt (tons) ....................................................
8. Whether he is a manufacture of Common Salt and
if so, particulars thereof.
9. If he is not a manufacture of Common Salt / or if his own production
of common salt is not sufficient for manufacture of ioidsed salt of
the quantity proposed, State from which source the common salt is
proposed to be procured for ioidsation.
10. Particulars for arrangement for process control and on
the spot analysis of Iodised Salt for its iodine content.
11. Daily man power required. ....................................................
12. Type of packing material proposed to be used. ....................................................
13. Whether building is already available to house
the iodisation palnt or will be constructed.
14. Financial resources. ....................................................
15. Marketing Stratagem. ....................................................
16. Nearest salt loading railway station and
the distance from the plant site.
17. Proposed date for commissioning the Plant. ....................................................
18. Any other particulars. ....................................................
Place :
Date :
Signature of the applicant