Registration of salt refineries/washeries is made by Salt Commissioner, Jaipur. Any entrepreneur willing to establish a salt refinery/washery for production of refined salt should apply in the prescribed application form (given below) along with a demand draft for Rs. 1000/- drawn in favour of Salt Commissioner and payable at Jaipur and submit to Salt Commissioner, Jaipur.
Standard Conditions of Registration With The Salt Commissioner
The registration of application with the Salt Commissioner does not necessity constitute acceptance or recognition by the Government of any of the facts stated therein. Further, registration will not imply any commitment whatsoever on the part of the Government to provide foreign exchange for the import of capital goods, equipments, raw materials or components etc. or any other assistance. Request for such assistance may be considered on merits if prescribed applications to the concerned authorities are submitted as per policy in force form time to time.
The concerned authorities may check with the Salt Commissioner or other Technical Authorities on the status of the implementation of the project before allocating any scarce raw materials or components etc.
The Registered unit shall submit a monthly progress report in respect of the progress of implementation of the registration until commercial production is established.
On commencement of production of each product intimation should be submitted to the Salt Commissioner.
The commercial production should commence within 24 months of the date of issue of the Registration failing which the registration will stand automatically cancelled.
However, where there are genuine difficulties, the unit should apply to Salt commissioner 3 months in advance with full justification for any extension of time sought and a detailed statement of the steps taken for implementation of the project. The progress achieved and time span within which each stage will be completed. Salt Commissioner, on merits of the case, may extend the time limit which would not normally be beyond period of 12 months.
Adequate steps shall be taken to the satisfaction of the Government to prevent air, water and soil pollution. Such anti-pollution measures to be installed should conform to the effluent and emission standards prescribed by the State Government, in which the factory of the industrial undertaking is located. Further adequate industrial safety measures as provided in the Factories Act shall be made to the satisfaction of the State Govt. in which the factory of the industrial undertaking is located.
The provisional registration will be converted into a regular registration only after the following conditions have been fulfilled:-
- The State Director of industries confirms that the site of the project has been approved.
- The entrepreneur commits both the State Government and the Central Government that they will install the appropriate equipments and implement the prescribed measures for the prevention and control of pollution.
- The concerned state pollution control Board has certified that the proposal meets with the environmental requirements and that the equipment installed or proposed to be installed are adequate and appropriate to the requirements.
if at anytime it comes to notice that the Registration has been sough on false certificates etc., it is liable to be cancelled forthwith.
The Regular registered units should supply such accurate information as and when required in respect of production, sales cost of manufacture, selling price and maintain such records and returns proscribed by Salt Commissioner form time to time.
- The new industrial undertakings have to procure common salt form the existing primary salt producers preferable from small scale (holding less than 100 acres and co-operative salt manufactures.
- The units permitted for refining of salt for edible purpose should manufacture only iodised salt conforming to the specifications laid down under provision PFA Act and the rules made thereunder.
- The Government will have the right to specify the the price, if necessary at which they can sell iodised salt.
- In case it is considered essential by the Government and if so required the registered units shall maintain a percentage of production as prescribed by Government as minimum reserve and shall salt the Salt produced to the persons/ agency so authorized.
- The quantity should be strictly limited to what they buy from local manufactures and small producers and co-operative societies.
- The company will not be entitled to any wagon quota.
- bullet Any additive that is sought by the Company to be used for manufacturing the Free Flowing iodized Salt should be found acceptable to the Ministry of Health.
The application should be submitted to the Salt Commissioner
in Triplicate.
A copy of the application should be sent to State Director of Industries and the Regional Offices of the Salt Department concerned for information. In case of existing units, the application should be forwarded through DGTD or Director of Industries of the State. Application should include a certifying from the Chartered Accountant, certifying the details of the machinery installed alongwith the original purchase value.
Amount Rs-------------------------------- Draft No …………………………
Draft Date …………………………… Drawn on …………………………
(Name of the Bank)
Payable at ………………………………………………………………………………
1. Name & Address of the Application/Industrial Undertaking
a. |
Name |
.................................................... |
b. |
Address |
c. |
Telephone No. |
.................................................... |
d. |
Telex No. |
.................................................... |
(i) |
(a) Individual promoter
(b) Partnership Firm
(c) Private Sector Undertaking
(d) Co-operative undertaking
(e) State Govt. undertaking
(f) Central Govt. undertaking
(g) Joint Sector undertaking
(h) If any other specify. |
(ii) |
Name of the proprietors, Partners or Board of Directors and their |
addresses………………………………………………………………………………… |
………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
3. Whether this proposal is for.
(a) |
Establishment of new undertaking |
(b) |
Effecting expansion. |
4. Whether the undertaking is registered under MRTP Act 1969.
5. Whether the undertaking is registered under FERA
6. Whether necessary clearance as required under MRTP Act/FERA has been obtained, if so enclose copy of the letter/clearance.
7. Location
Place/Town |
.................................................... |
Tehsil/Taluk |
.................................................... |
District |
.................................................... |
State |
.................................................... |
8. Name of the nearest Railway Station ....................................................
9. Whether the undertaking engaged in Primary salt production ....................................................
10. If yes please indicate whether it is Licensed or Non-Licensed unit. ....................................................
11. Licence No. ....................................................
12. Location of the Salt Works.
Tehsil/Taluk |
.................................................... |
State |
.................................................... |
Factory/Range/office |
.................................................... |
Circle |
.................................................... |
Division |
.................................................... |
Region |
.................................................... |
13. Area Licensed ....................................................
14. Actual area under cultivation ....................................................
15. Production achieved during last 5 years ....................................................
16. Quality of salt manufactured. Indicate average analysis result
17. Whether any by, product/bittern based Chemicals are manufactured.
18. If yes items of manufacture and Annual production for the last 5 years.
Investment & Capital structure
- 19. (i) Proposed investment involved in fixed assests for Refinery/Washery
- land ……………………………….
- Building ……………………………
- Machinery
Imported …………………………………
- (ii) Details of capital structure
- The capital that will be raised by the appl icant and his supporters
- The assistance, if any, proposed to be asked from financial institution and.
- From any other sources.
20. If the proposal is for existing undertaking indicate the existing investment on fixed assests.
21. |
- Is any collaboration (in the form of royalty or consulting fee or Investment) envisaged? If so the extent and nature of suchCollaboration.
- Has the foreign collaboration cleared by the Govt. ? If so enclose copy of such approval.
- Is import of drawings and design envisaged?
22. Has the import of capital Goods been cleared by the Govt., If so copy of references.
23. Whether the manufacture is based on indigenous techonology delivered by CSIR or any other national Laboratory If yes please submit necessary certificate from the laboratory
24. If the Technology is based on private source, name & address of the consultant/consultancy organization.
25. Detailed description of process involved in the manufacturer/and factors favourable for their adoption.
26. Production capacity
Name of product
Installed capacity
27. Phased manufacturing programme
Installed capacity
Ist Year |
2nd Year |
3rd Year |
4th year |
5th Year |
28. Annual requirement of raw material chemicals.
Imported Indigenous
Estimated value(If imported CIF value)
29. Power Supply
- Total requirement
- Own generation
- From public supply
- In case of own generation particulars of plant proposed.
Water Supply
- Quantity of water required for
- Factory
- Staff quarters & other use
- Sources of water supply
- Public Sources
- Private If private give particulars.
31. Types of effluent, its quantity and whether it would cause any pollution.
32. How it is proposed to dispose the effluent.
33. Whether any treatment plant is envisaged if so details.
34. Employment
- Managerial
- Supervisory/Technical/Non-technical
- Clerical
- Labour/Skilled Semi-skilled/Un-skilled
- Other categories, if any.
I/We hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/We understand that the registration is liable to be revoked if any of the information furnished is later found to be incorrect.
Place :
Signature of the applicant Date
(Name in Block letters)
Designation of the Applicant.